Qatar World Cup relying on flawed carbon offsets
This year’s World Cup in Qatar is using outdated and uncertain carbon offsets to claim the event will be carbon neutral, SourceMaterial can reveal.
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Fifa World Cup Qatar 2022: New report discredits carbon neutrality claim
Source: BBC
Fifa and Qatar's claims that the 2022 World Cup will be carbon neutral involve "creative accounting" and are "misleading", says a new report.
Read On BBC
World’s biggest firms failing over net-zero claims, research suggests
Source: The Guardian
Some of the world’s biggest businesses are failing to live up to claims they will hit net-zero emissions targets.
Read On The Guardian
Carbon credits face scrutiny as a corporate path to “net-zero”
Source: Financial Times
From which budget does the money for carbon credits, which are used by companies to compensate for their emissions, come? Marketing?
Read On Financial Times
“It is time to regulate standards and criteria for net-zero pledges”
Source: Stockholm Environment Institute
Cities, regions and businesses all over the world have set targets to achieve net-zero emissions.
Read On Stockholm Environment Institute
Carbon offsets allow some companies to hide poor performance on cutting own emissions, government advisers say
Source: Sky News UK
Offsets can mask insufficient efforts from firms to cut their own emissions, often deliver less than claimed, and can muscle out other environmental objectives in…
Read On Sky News UK
Will “carbon neutral” claims land brands in legal hot water? Danone sued over Evian eco claims
Source: Foodnavigator USA
Could ‘carbon neutral’ claims land food & beverage brands in legal hot water, even where they are certified by a third party such as the Carbon Trust?
Read On Foodnavigator USA
HSBC ads banned for misleading consumers about green credentials
Source: Financial Times
UK watchdog rules series publicising tree planting and net zero emissions plans failed to disclose fossil fuel financing.
Read On Financial Times
US senators push for regulator crackdown on carbon offsets market
Source: Financial Times
US lawmakers are pushing the federal regulator to crack down on the market for carbon offsets and draw up new rules for its oversight.
Read On Financial Times